Episode 7: Talking about exchange rates

At the end of the episode you will be able to: 

– Recognize the number of people who are talking.

– Distinguish the  speaker is talking to whom.

– Elicit the main idea of the conversation.

– Recall some information mentioned in the conversation.

– Guess meaning from the context.

[audio http://dl.dropbox.com/u/32216222/podcast/Episode7-%20Talking%20about%20Exchange%20Rates.mp3]


Episode 6: Money

At the end of the episode, you are going to:

– Recognize the name of the place  where the team is going to.

– Discriminate the distinctive sounds.

– Identify the place of where are the speakers.

– Interpret the meaning of new vocabularies through the conversation.

– Recall other suitable currency that people should take when going to Sudan as mentioned in the conversation.

Episode 5: Houses

At the end of this episode, you are going to:

– Elicit the main idea of the conversation.

– Identify the materials that used in the conversation.

– Differentiate between main idea and support ideas.

– Guess the meaning from the context.

Episode 3: After the Break

At the end of the episode, you are going to:

– Identify the sounds of the speakers.

– Identify the subjects that all students have to take in Britain.

– Recognize vocabulary usage.

–  differentiate between fewer, less, more.

Click here to listen

[audio http://dl.dropbox.com/u/32216222/podcast/Episode3-%20After%20the%20Break.mp3]

Episode 1: The First Programme

At the end of this episode, you are going to:

–  Elicit  the main idea of this episode.

– Guess the meaning of perform from the context.

– Recognize some vocabulary usage.

– Retain some specific information from the episode.

Do you remember Ahmad Al- Ali? Two weeks ago, he introduced his cameraman and driver to you. Now he is on your TV screen. He is going to tell you about his programme.


Click here to listen

[audio http://dl.dropbox.com/u/32216222/podcast/Episode1-%20the%201st%20Programme.mp3]